Companies around the world are securing economic success which is sourced from various social & environmental capitals. The three driving capitals of any business are economic, social and human. These three when integrated extensively defines the overall culture, processes, brand image and growth of organizations across the globe. Human capital, generally is defined as to how companies are investing on its employees in respect to their skills, career opportunities and wellbeing. In return employees have a greater role to play that is they are the carriers of company’s philosophy, and values. Therefore as relevant stakeholders, employees as social investors contribute in initiatives that creates a cohesive system in society generating wellbeing at large.
The programs which employees undertake builds the company not only in its brand image but also creates impact within target beneficiaries which is purpose driven. Moreover through employees a company can participate in diverse thematic areas across Indian geographies and communitie.
The diversity of programs have been so vast that the companies have to break down the initiatives into one-time events, short time programs and long term projects. Through this corporate social responsibility have got a boost where strong relationships are formed between target beneficiaries, government institutes, private associations and civil society organizations thereby creating a system of discussion and solution seeking.
In return, for employees this gives a sense of purpose, creates a sense of job satisfaction, broadens life perspective, motivates towards work life balance and foster deeper connections with social issues.
Therefore to conclude employee volunteerism have a sustainable impact involving diverse stakeholders.